giovedì 18 dicembre 2008

Giving a GTK+ Interface to using Glade

RCLUG invited Gianni Amato to LinuxDay2008 as speaker on Forensic Analysis with Linux. It is really nice to make Gianni’s acquaintance. He is really competent! Speaking with Gianni I discover that he wrote a nice python script to crypt/decrypt files called has a GUI interface written in Tkinter. Gianni would like to write a GTK+ interface, but he hadn't much free time. So I offered to write a GTK+ interface for using PyGtk and Python. Now, I recorded the creation of the interface with Glade using recordmydesktop.
There isn't my voice in these days I have a sore throat...

You can find updated glade file and the python script of on my repository.

lunedì 15 dicembre 2008

DNS queries logging on WRT54GL

This morning I came up with another idea.
The last year I would try datamining on DNS data from my local dnsmasq.
But how could I collect all the queries of dnsmasq if it is installed on a WRT54GL without writing on the flash?
This morning I think, easy denever you could email the logs of dnsmasq on a dedicated gmail account.
So I looked for an smtp client on Kamikaze 7.09 which is installed on my WRT54GL:

root@openwrt:~# ipkg info *smtp*
Package: ssmtp
root@openwrt:~# ipkg install ssmtp

Taking a look there I could configure /etc/ssmtp.conf as follows:

root={your email acc name}
AuthUser=your username
AuthPass=your password

And then how to log queries with dnsmasq?
Reading the documentation of dnsmasq I find:

The log-queries option tells dnsmasq to verbosely log the queries it is handling and causes SIGUSR1 to trigger a complete dump of the contents of the cache to the syslog.

So in /etc/dnsmasq.conf I added the following line


But on Kamikaze 7.09 where dnsmasq writes the logs?
Dnsmasq uses syslogd for the logging.
Taking a look to /etc/init.d/boot you can find this:

syslogd -C16 ${log_ip:+-L -R $log_ip}

So how to read the logs? Easy we use the logread.
How could we email this logs? For this purpouse I wrote a script:

root@openwrt:~# cat /bin/
echo -e "Subject: DNS Log\n"
logread | grep query

And then we could email everything, using another script:

root@openwrt:~# cat /bin/
/bin/ | ssmtp

And then I want that running periodically so reading here and here I wrote a simple crontab.

root@openwrt:~# crontab -e
* * * * * /bin/

domenica 14 dicembre 2008

NSLU2 && lighttpd && esmtp

This morning I came up with an idea. How could I know when someone access to my lighttpd webserver installed on my NSLU2?

The answer is easy, denever, active mod_accesslog and then take a look to the access.log!

Ok, but if I want to reaceive a mail for each access? :)

Reading there, I discovered that it is possible to redirect the access.log to a process.

So I wrote this line in the /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf on my NSLU2:

accesslog.filename = "| mail -i -s Webaccess"

The I installed and configured esmtp on my NSLU2:

apt-get install esmtp

Editing /etc/esmtprc:

But there is a problem: lighttpd write access.log only when is stopped...
So I shall not receive an email on each access on my webserver.
I will receive an email on each restart of lighttpd.

venerdì 12 dicembre 2008


How to use our gmail account from console with mutt?

So this is how I configured mutt to access my gmail account via IMAP.

Open your ~/.muttrc and set the following options

If your user account on gmail is then set your folder as follow:

set folder = imaps://
set imap_pass = yourpass

Notice...yourpass will be saved in clear text on ~/.muttrc.

Do you want to save your postponed mail (written with mutt) on gmail drafts? :)

Add in your ~/.muttrc the following row:

set postponed = "=[Google Mail]/Drafts"

And now, how to send email from mutt via

As MTA I installed esmtp:

apt-get install esmtp

Then I configured mutt to use esmtp as MTA, adding in ~/.muttrc:

set sendmail = "esmtp -v -X ~/tmp/esmtp.log"

Then I configured esmpt editing /etc/esmtprc:

Notice that also /etc/esmtprc is a clear text, so yourpass would be read from root