So this is how I configured mutt to access my gmail account via IMAP.
Open your ~/.muttrc and set the following options
If your user account on gmail is then set your folder as follow:
set folder = imaps://
set imap_pass = yourpass
Notice...yourpass will be saved in clear text on ~/.muttrc.
Do you want to save your postponed mail (written with mutt) on gmail drafts? :)
Add in your ~/.muttrc the following row:
set postponed = "=[Google Mail]/Drafts"
And now, how to send email from mutt via
As MTA I installed esmtp:
apt-get install esmtp
Then I configured mutt to use esmtp as MTA, adding in ~/.muttrc:
set sendmail = "esmtp -v -X ~/tmp/esmtp.log"
Then I configured esmpt editing /etc/esmtprc:
Notice that also /etc/esmtprc is a clear text, so yourpass would be read from root
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