lunedì 15 dicembre 2008

DNS queries logging on WRT54GL

This morning I came up with another idea.
The last year I would try datamining on DNS data from my local dnsmasq.
But how could I collect all the queries of dnsmasq if it is installed on a WRT54GL without writing on the flash?
This morning I think, easy denever you could email the logs of dnsmasq on a dedicated gmail account.
So I looked for an smtp client on Kamikaze 7.09 which is installed on my WRT54GL:

root@openwrt:~# ipkg info *smtp*
Package: ssmtp
root@openwrt:~# ipkg install ssmtp

Taking a look there I could configure /etc/ssmtp.conf as follows:

root={your email acc name}
AuthUser=your username
AuthPass=your password

And then how to log queries with dnsmasq?
Reading the documentation of dnsmasq I find:

The log-queries option tells dnsmasq to verbosely log the queries it is handling and causes SIGUSR1 to trigger a complete dump of the contents of the cache to the syslog.

So in /etc/dnsmasq.conf I added the following line


But on Kamikaze 7.09 where dnsmasq writes the logs?
Dnsmasq uses syslogd for the logging.
Taking a look to /etc/init.d/boot you can find this:

syslogd -C16 ${log_ip:+-L -R $log_ip}

So how to read the logs? Easy we use the logread.
How could we email this logs? For this purpouse I wrote a script:

root@openwrt:~# cat /bin/
echo -e "Subject: DNS Log\n"
logread | grep query

And then we could email everything, using another script:

root@openwrt:~# cat /bin/
/bin/ | ssmtp

And then I want that running periodically so reading here and here I wrote a simple crontab.

root@openwrt:~# crontab -e
* * * * * /bin/

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